Our Vision Statement

Ohio's Human Services Data Warehouse will be used to strengthen collaborative efforts to alleviate the interrelated issues of homelessness and poverty through analysis of cross-system data related to homeless and at-risk populations.
Benefits of a Data Warehouse
The primary benefits foreseen in working with data at a statewide level include:
• Cross-system analysis of services, trends and mobility patterns and the ability to assess the impact of investments in housing and human services to inform funding and policy decisions on the state and local levels;
• Identification of system gaps and opportunities for cross-system collaboration;
• Quality of data, including accuracy, timeliness and definition to educate the public, elected officials and other policy makers on the issues that affect the stability of households and communities.
Guiding Principles
The OHSDW project intends to leverage the core continuum-level systems to provide a richer, fuller picture of the homeless population and the services they receive, better enabling agencies to collaborate across continuum and jurisdictional boundaries, and allowing public policy makers to address homelessness issues on a statewide basis. Beginning with a collaboration of all homeless Continuums of Care and their respective Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS), the Ohio Human Services Data Warehouse will provide a single integrated source of information to respond to state and local needs on issues related to poverty. Additionally, this collaborative needs to expand to cross-system data sources necessary to develop a holistic picture of homelessness in Ohio furnishing reliable, comprehensive data to inform state, regional, and local plans and improve coordination, policy making and resource allocation. More details on our guiding principles can be found below:
• Ohio Human Services Data Warehouse Guiding Principles (143 KB Adobe PDF File)
Reporting and Data Use
OHSDW aims to be a resource to the state, while also maintaining data privacy and integrity. For more information on reporting and data use, please read the Reporting Policies below:
• Ohio Human Services Data Warehouse Reporting Policy (280 KB Adobe PDF File)